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Considerations When Purchasing a Sewer Inspection Vehicle

By November 1, 2021No Comments

Pipe Cleaning Pro article, authored by Jim Kraschinsky, VP of Sales

When you are ready to build out a pipeline inspection vehicle, there are two decisions that need to be thoroughly evaluated. First, there are several considerations that will dictate the type of chassis that will meet your needs. Second, you will need to think through the inspection equipment you need, now and in the future.

First, let’s tackle your chassis choice. Too often people will make decisions on chassis based only on price. While that is an important consideration, you will thank me later if you also think through some of the following:

How Will the Vehicle Be Used?

inspection camera

This may seem like an obvious question, but you should consider whether you will be doing mainline or lateral inspections or both. Maybe you will only use the vehicle for mainline inspections now, but expand to lateral inspections down the road. You also need to take into account whether you are going to use the vehicle for something other than inspections, such as water meter/valve maintenance or even snow plowing.

truck interior storageNext, you need to think about the equipment area and storage for not only the equipment, but tools, parts, signs, and safety cones. We advise customers to consider their future equipment or space needs and to make sure they have considered safety measures for their vehicle, including proper strobe lights, confined space equipment, a sink, bins, toolboxes, underbody boxes, shelves, and a hoist to minimize the need for manual lifting.

Does the vehicle need to provide the ability to walk from the cab to the control room and/or the control room to the equipment area, especially in case of bad weather or safety concerns?


Aries provides a range of options for your inspection vehicle needs. From our Trailblazer Mobile Enclosure that fits on your ATV or pick up, to trailers, vans and fully-outfitted high cube trucks, we have the platform you need. Learn more.